Install GNU Mailman on Debian/Ubuntu
Install GNU Mailman and dependencies
sudo apt-get install mailman postfix
Link mailman apache configuration
sudo ln -s /etc/mailman/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/mailman-apache.conf
Edit mailman.conf
to remove cgi-bin reference
sudo vi /etc/apache2/conf-available/mailman-apache.conf
to match removal of cgi-bin
sudo vi /etc/mailman/
Enable new configuration and reload apache
sudo a2enconf mailman-apache.conf sudo a2enmod cgi sudo service apache2 reload
Create a space to store list configuration files
sudo mkdir /etc/mailman/lists
Setup environment to separate system aliases from list aliases
sudo mv /etc/aliases /etc/aliases-system sudo touch /etc/aliases sudo touch /etc/mailman/lists/README
Build your first list. The mailman
list is required for proper functioning of the system otherwise the Mailman Master Queue Runner service will fail to start. The .info
file is purely for house-keeping purposes in large-scale implementations.
sudo sh -e -c "newlist --quiet --automate mailman listowner@yoursite.tld insecurepassword | grep -A 12 ^# > /etc/mailman/lists/mailman.conf" sudo sh -e -c 'echo "Ticket: \nDepartment: \nRequestor: \n" > /etc/mailman/lists/'
Build /etc/aliases
from /etc/aliases-system
and /etc/mailman/lists/*.conf
sudo sh -c "cat /etc/aliases-system /etc/mailman/lists/*.conf > /etc/aliases" sudo newaliases
Start mailman
sudo service mailman start
You should be able to visit the following URLs related to your site:
- Site info for all lists -
- List info for mailman list -
- Admin interface for mailman list -
- Missing sitelist
- Mailman needs a so-called “site list”, which is the list from which password reminders and such are sent out from. This list needs to be created before mailman will start. To create the list, run “newlist mailman” and follow the instructions on-screen. Note that you also need to start mailman after that, using /etc/init.d/mailman start.
classes/mailman_on_ubuntu.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/18 12:40 by curry_searle