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Server: Configure NFS to export home directories to a client system

This section covers configuring NFS to export filesystems to remote computers. For the purpose of this tutorial, our remote filesystems will be the home directories of users defined in our OpenLDAP directory. Let's start on our server (cls-kvm1) as we install NFS then export our /home filesystem to share our user home directories:

sudo apt-get -y install nfs-kernel-server

The file /etc/exports defines any filesystems you are making available to remote systems. Edit /etc/exports to include the following:


Start the nfs-kernel-server service and confirm there are no errors:

sudo service nfs-kernel-server start
sudo service nfs-kernel-server status

Confirm the filesystem is being exported to the system we expected using the showmount -e command:

showmount -e

Export list for cls-kvm1:

That completes this lesson. In the next lesson you'll learn to configure the PAM framework to use LDAP.

classes/la_slapd_l2.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/15 19:35 by curry_searle